Au participat 200 de sportivi din 25 de țări. România a fost reprezentată de Bologa Alexandru împreună cu antrenorul sau, Gergely Tamas. Alex a avut 4 meciuri cu sportivi din Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Germania și în finală a luptat cu Kazakhstan, câștigând medalia de aur.
Felicitari Alex și antrenorului său, Tamas Gergely.

IBSA Judo Grand Prix, Nur-sultan, Kazakhstan 28-29 May 2022
200 athletes from 25 countries attended the second Judo Grand Prix of 2022 in Kazakhstan and Alex Bologa represented Romania with his trainer Tamas Gergely. Alex had four fights with judokas from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Germany and the final with Kazakhstan, winning all matches with ippon. This gold medal won here is is the second in the series of Judo Grand Prix, Brazil being the following location in June.
Congratulations to Alex and his trainer, Tamas Gergely!