Egyptian Pyramids International Championships, la judo nevăzători, organizat in Alexandria, Egypt, in perioada 23-26 martie 2022

Bologa Alexandru a reprezentat România, împreună cu antrenorul sau, Gergely Tamas. Alex a câștigat toate meciurile împotriva Egypt (2), Franța și Marea Britanie cu ippon. Felicitări Alex și Tomi!

Egyptian Pyramids international Championships For Blind and Visually Impaired Athletes. Alexandria, Egypt 25-26 March 2022

On the 1st January 2022, the new IBSA classification for judo athletes was intitiated. This has been an ongoing research project for five years and the outcome was that there will now be only 2 classes in para judo – J1 for Blind athletes and J2 for Visually Impaired athletes. This means that now the classes will compete separately and all judo athletes will be reclassified in 2022. Alex Bologa represented Romania in this competition and won the first gold medal in his new classification and new weight class -73kg, winning all four matches by ippon against Egypt (2), France and Great Britain. Congratulations Alex and Tomi!